
Foods That Promote a Healthy Pancreas

Posted on: January 26, 2022   |   Category: Foods That Promote a Healthy Pancreas
Tips For A Healthy Pancreas! (2)

There are 11 foods that are beneficial to your body to promote healthy digestion.

1. Garlic

Garlic might not sound like the best thing for you, but it contains many beneficial nutrients that have positive effects on the tissues in your pancreas. Individuals that include garlic in their diet have a 54% lower risk of getting pancreatic cancer according to a study published by the National Cancer Institute.

Consuming 3 servings of fat free or low-fat yogurt that contains active cultures is recommended by the National Cancer Institute. This will improve digestion and reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer.

3. Spinach

Spinach and other leafy green veggies contain high levels of vitamin B and iron. Consuming these will protect your pancreas and decrease the chance of pancreatic cancer.

4. Mushrooms

“A traditional Asian remedy made from the pine-bearing Poria cocos mushroom blocked the MMP gene, which is linked to the development of pancreatic cancer. (Katherine)” Mushrooms are also a good source of selenium and several B vitamins.

6. Broccoli

A study from the University of Illinois found that broccoli contains flavonoids apigenin and luteolin, which kill cells that could form into pancreatic cancer.

7. Red Grapes

The skin of red grapes has the antioxidant compound known as resveratrol that kills pancreatic cancer cells.

8. Sweet Potatoes

Did you know that sweet potatoes are healthier than white potatoes due to the lower glycemic index? They are! According to research done by the University of California, the orange color of sweet potatoes boosts the function of organs and lowers the chance of pancreatic cancer by 50%.

10. Tomato Vegatable Soup

Tomatoes and other vegetables that you can put in soup contain antioxidants and various nutrients that are beneficial for your body to function. The liquid in soup is a bonus to help digestion go smoothly.

11. Blueberries

Blueberries are a great snack food that you can incorporate into many different meals. Consuming them gives our bodies the antioxidants that help prevent cell damage.


Katherine George Published on February 25, Health Check Certified By: Julie Ching, & Katherine George Katherine is the Senior Managing Editor of ActiveBeat and Childhood. She is constantly striving to live a more active and healthy life. (2020, August 31). Foods that promote a healthy pancreas. ActiveBeat. Retrieved January 27, 2022, from https://www.activebeat.com/diet-nutrition/8-eats-for-a-healthy-pancreas/